How to order

1. Selecting products

Please select the products you wish to order by clicking the "Add to basket" button. By doing so, your choosed products will be placed into your cart. You can change your selection anytime until finishing your order by either changing the number of products, by choosing "Remove" to remove products completely from your cart or by aborting the order process completely. If you wish to continue, you will be taken to the next step by clicking the "Proceed to Checkout" button.

2. Checkout

In case you already have a customer account, please login by using your email adress and your personal password. Otherwise, please register as a new customer. If you are already logged in, you may choose a shipping method. By clicking "Continue", you will be taken to the next step.

3. Checking the Billing Information / Choosing the Payment Method

Now, please check if the stated billing information is correct and provide us with info on your preferred method of payment. By clicking "Continue", you will be taken to the next step.

4. Checking the Delivery Information / Choosing the Delivery Method 

Please check if the delivery information is stated correctly and if applicable choose the shipping option. By clicking "Continue", you will be taken to the next and last step. 

5. Finalizing  your order

An overview of your order will be shown to you containing the chosen products, the shipment and billing information and your contact data. Please review the given information. An order can only be finalized if you confirm that you have read the revocation clause by ticking the adjacent checkbox. By clicking the button "Place Order" the order is submitted to us. You will then be sent an automatic email acting as a confirmation that we received your order and afterwards, a separate email containing our binding order acceptance.